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What is a Customer journey? A short definition.

1 minute reading time

Also: consumer journey

The customer journey is the virtual journey a customer takes up to and including purchasing a product or service. It is a metaphor for the various intermediate steps, phases, and contact moments that a customer goes through before making a purchase. Usually, the relationship with the customer that arises afterwards is also counted as part of the customer journey.

At every step in the customer journey, feelings arise with the customer, and questions can arise. The extent to which needs are met and the amount of friction that occurs determine the experience and ultimately also the conversion.

Frequently asked questions

Learn more about Customer journey? Five common questions.

Profielfoto Freek Kampen

By Freek Kampen

Data & Analytics specialist and co-owner of New North Digital. With a background in online advertising, I solve tracking and data issues for entrepreneurs and agencies. Feel free to get in touch!

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